The Workshop
We had been searching for a space dedicated to the art of "crafting" for a quite some time now. A space with no curtains to ruin, no rugs to stain and no tolerant neighbours to irritate. A workshop willing to accommodate and implement every idea of our own or of a like-minded fellow. A proper workshop, where the tools would find their place amidst calculated infrastructure, ambitious projects and next to the beer cooler. A workshop always ready to bear another hole in its walls, another unsuccessful venture in the garbage bin.
After years of practicing the art of crafting in bedrooms, living rooms, balconies, basements, storage rooms and communal yards, the Workshop is finally a reality!
The goal is to "deepen" its knowledge, to "expand" its activities and in time, constitute a gathering place for people who want things made with their own hands. People who when completing a project feel a void inside. A void that can only be filled… by the next project. > English version > Workshop